Tables - Austria
Just a few addresses (check also lists of restaurants for other countries).
Eat Austrian in Vienna:FIGLMULLER
Wollzeile 5, 1010 Wien, OST
Tel +43.1.512.6177
(also Backerstrasse 6, 1010 Wien, OST / Tel +43.1.512.1760)
A crowded institution but not a tourist trap (that would be Hotel Sacher's Sacher Torte: not very expensive, but far too sweet), Figlmuller boasts a 106 year old Wiener Schnitzel ("Figlmüller Schnitzel gebacken"). It is the biggest of its kind, like a light pizza, and it does taste good, but it remains a Wiener Schnitzel. I enjoyed the Blunzn-Strudel ("blood sausages-strudel with warm cabbage salad and bacon" - the 'boudin' is at the same time tasty and not greasy, the sauerkraut sublime) and the Tafelspitz ("boiled rump with chive sauce, apple-horseradish and browned potatoes" - a delicate pot-au-feu). You want to make a reservation: the place is so crowded they had to open a second restaurant almost next door. The original (on Wollzeile) is very cute in a picturesque alleyway, the other one stretches even underground and has a more complete menu.
SM 2012
Backerstrasse 14, 1010 Wien, OST
Tel +43.1.512.1371
A traditional decor, but a more ambitious menu revisiting Austrian classics (beetroot risotto worked just fine). On the verge of pretentious. Few tourists there except yours truly, but I prefered the above mentioned tourist hotspot for the overall experience and quality-price ratio.
SM 2012
Eat Hungarian in Vienna:
Braunerstrasse 2, 1010 Wien, OST
Tel +43.1.533.9029
Next to the Pestsaule (an utterly baroque erection on Graben), this small Hungarian restaurant provides a friendly atmosphere and massive portions of specialities that mercifully also come in smaller packages, but even after skipping lunch we barely managed to finish everything. The beef goulash (with tarhonya / hungarian pasta: Marhapörkölt tarhonyával) has it all, including a quite subtle broth, and the stuffed cabbage rolls (Töltött káposzta) do their usual trick. If you want to try the Brassoi (slices of pork with fried potatoes / Brassói), theirs is addictivingly good, but you may need an eatmate to finish it.
SM 2012
CitizenCame 2012
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