Cities - Cambodia
Cambodian visitors came from 6 cities representing 5 of the 24 regions as of EOY 2011:
Kampot, CAM Khaet Kampot Srok Kampot
Sihanoukville, CAM Krong Preah Sihanouk - Kampong Saom Kampong Saom
Slem Reab, CAM (Siem Reap, CAM) Khaet Slem Reab Slem Reab
Takeo, CAM (Takaev, CAM) Khaet Takeo Doun Kaev
Phnom Penh, CAM Krong Phnom Penh Phnom Penh
Ruessei Keo, CAM (Russey Keo, CAM / Phnom Penh, CAM) Krong Phnom Penh Phnom Penh
See all lists of Asian cities.
Citizen Came