Cities - Sudan
Sudanese visitors came from 1 city representing 1 of the country's 25 wilayat / states (as of EOH1 2008) :
al Khartum, SUD (Khartoum, SUD) al Khartum
See all lists of African cities.
A few insights about visitors from all over the World.
Sudanese visitors came from 1 city representing 1 of the country's 25 wilayat / states (as of EOH1 2008) :
al Khartum, SUD (Khartoum, SUD) al Khartum
See all lists of African cities.
Visitors from :
Khartoum, SUD al Khartum University of Khartoum
see other lists of universities in Africa.
Labels: Africa, education, Sudan, university