Cities - USA - Oklahoma
Sooner / Oklahoman visitors came from 302 cities, towns, villages, CCDs, CDPs, and other unincoporated communities representing 72 of OK's 77 counties (as of EOY 2017):
Division of Stilwell East, OK - Adair Adair County, OK
Fairfield, OK (CDP of Fairfield, OK) Adair County, OK
Salem, OK (CDP of Salem, OK) Adair County, OK
Byron, OK (Town of Byron, OK) Alfalfa County, OK
Division of Helena, OK – Alfalfa Alfalfa County, OK
Division of North Alfalfa, OK – Alfalfa Alfalfa County, OK
Helena, OK (Town of Helena, OK) Alfalfa County, OK
Atoka, OK (City of Atoka, OK) Atoka County, OK
Division of Central Atoka, OK - Atoka Atoka County, OK
Carter, OK (Town of Carter, OK) Beckham County, OK
Division of Carter, OK - Beckham Beckham County, OK
Division of Sayre, OK - Beckham Beckham County, OK
Sayre, OK (City of Sayre, OK) Beckham County, OK
Canton, OK (Town of Canton, OK) Blaine County, OK
Division of Canton, OK - Blaine Blaine County, OK
Albany, OK (CDP of Albany, OK) Bryan County, OK
Division of Southeast Bryan, OK - Bryan Bryan County, OK
Carnegie, OK (Town of Carnegie, OK) Caddo County, OK
Division of Carnegie, OK - Caddo Caddo County, OK
Division of East Canadian, OK - Canadian Canadian County, OK
Division of El Reno, OK - Canadian Canadian County, OK
El Reno, OK (City of El Reno, OK) Canadian County, OK
Mustang, OK (City of Mustang, OK) Canadian County, OK
Okarche, OK - Canadian, Kingfisher (Town of Okarche, OK) Canadian County, OK
Yukon, OK (City of Yukon, OK) Canadian County, OK
Ardmore, OK (City of Ardmore, OK) Carter County, OK
Division of Ardmore North, OK - Carter Carter County, OK
Division of Ardmore, OK - Carter Carter County, OK
Division of Wilson, OK - Carter Carter County, OK
Wilson, OK (Town of Wilson, OK) Carter County, OK
Division of Hulbert, OK - Cherokee Cherokee County, OK
Division of Tahlequah, OK - Cherokee Cherokee County, OK
Hulbert, OK (Town of Hulbert, OK) Cherokee County, OK
Tahlequah, OK (City of Tahlequah, OK) Cherokee County, OK
Division of Hugo, OK - Choctaw Choctaw County, OK
Hugo, OK (City of Hugo, OK) Choctaw County, OK
Division of East Cleveland, OK - Cleveland Cleveland County, OK
Division of Lexington, OK - Cleveland Cleveland County, OK
Division of Norman, OK - Cleveland Cleveland County, OK
Division of North Cleveland, OK - Cleveland Cleveland County, OK
Lexington, OK (City of Lexington, OK) Cleveland County, OK
Moore, OK (City of Moore, OK) Cleveland County, OK
Norman, OK (City of Norman, OK) Cleveland County, OK
Coalgate, OK (City of Coalgate, OK) Coal County, OK
Division of East Coal, OK - Coal Coal County, OK
Division of West Coal, OK - Coal Coal County, OK
Tupelo, OK (City of Tupelo, OK) Coal County, OK
Chattanooga, OK - Comanche, Tillman (Town of Chattanooga, OK) Comanche County, OK
Division of Fort Sill, OK - Comanche Comanche County, OK
Division of Lawton, OK - Comanche Comanche County, OK
Division of Northeast Comanche, OK - Comanche Comanche County, OK
Division of Northwest Comanche, OK - Comanche Comanche County, OK
Division of Southwest Comanche, OK - Comanche Comanche County, OK
Elgin, OK (City of Elgin, OK) Comanche County, OK
Geronimo, OK (Town of Geronimo, OK) Comanche County, OK
Lawton, OK (City of Lawton, OK) Comanche County, OK
Division of Walters, OK - Cotton Cotton County, OK
Walters, OK (City of Walters, OK) Cotton County, OK
Division of Vinita East, OK - Craig Craig County, OK
Division of Vinita West, OK - Craig Craig County, OK
Ketchum, OK (Town of Ketchum, OK) Craig County, OK
Vinita, OK (City of Vinita, OK) Craig County, OK
Depew, OK (Town of Depew, OK) Creek County, OK
Division of Bristow South, OK - Creek Creek County, OK
Division of Sapulpa, OK - Creek Creek County, OK
Oakhurst, OK - Creek, Tulsa (CDP of Oakhurst, OK) Creek County, OK
Sapulpa, OK - Creek, Tulsa Creek County, OK
Butler, OK (Town of Butler, OK) Custer County, OK
Clinton, OK - Custer, Washita (City of Clinton, OK) Custer County, OK
Custer City, OK (Town of Custer City, OK) Custer County, OK
Division of Butler, OK - Custer Custer County, OK
Division of Clinton, OK - Custer Custer County, OK
Division of Custer City, OK - Custer Custer County, OK
Division of Thomas, OK - Custer Custer County, OK
Division of Weatherford, OK - Custer Custer County, OK
Thomas, OK (City of Thomas, OK) Custer County, OK
Weatherford, OK (City of Weatherford, OK) Custer County, OK
Division of Grove, OK - Delaware Delaware County, OK
Division of Jay, OK - Delaware Delaware County, OK
Division of Kansas, OK - Delaware Delaware County, OK
Grove, OK (City of Grove, OK) Delaware County, OK
Kansas, OK (Town of Kansas, OK) Delaware County, OK
Sycamore, OK - Delaware (CDP of Sycamore, OK - Delaware) Delaware County, OK
Division of Northeast Ellis, OK - Ellis Ellis County, OK
Fargo, OK (Town of Fargo, OK) Ellis County, OK
Division of Enid, OK - Garfield Garfield County, OK
Division of North Garfield, OK - Garfield Garfield County, OK
Enid, OK (City of Enid, OK) Garfield County, OK
Fairmont, OK (Town of Fairmont, OK) Garfield County, OK
Hillsdale, OK (Town of Hillsdale, OK) Garfield County, OK
Division of Elmore City, OK - Garvin Garvin County, OK
Division of Pauls Valley, OK - Garvin Garvin County, OK
Division of Stratford, OK - Garvin Garvin County, OK
Katie, OK (Town of Katie, OK) Garvin County, OK
Pauls Valley, OK (City of Pauls Valley, OK) Garvin County, OK
Stratford, OK (Town of Stratford, OK) Garvin County, OK
Wynnewood, OK (City of Wynnewood, OK) Garvin County, OK
Amber, OK (Town of Amber, OK) Grady County, OK
Division of Amber Pocasset, OK - Grady Grady County, OK
Division of Chickasha, OK - Grady Grady County, OK
Division of Tuttle, OK - Grady Grady County, OK
Tuttle, OK (City of Tuttle, OK) Grady County, OK
Verden, OK (Town of Verden, OK) Grady County, OK
Division of Medford, OK - Grant Grant County, OK
Medford, OK (City of Medford, OK) Grant County, OK
Division of Hollis, OK - Harmon Harmon County, OK
Hollis, OK (City of Hollis, OK) Harmon County, OK
Buffalo, OK (Town of Buffalo, OK) Harper County, OK
Division of Buffalo, OK - Harper Harper County, OK
Division of McCurtain, OK - Haskell Haskell County, OK
McCurtain, OK (Town of McCurtain, OK) Haskell County, OK
Carvin, OK (Town of Carvin, OK) Hughes County, OK
Division of South Hughes, OK - Hughes Hughes County, OK
Blair, OK (Town of Blair, OK) Jackson County, OK
Division of Altus, OK - Jackson Jackson County, OK
Division of Ringling, OK - Jefferson Jefferson County, OK
Division of Waurika, OK - Jefferson Jefferson County, OK
Hastings, OK (Town of Hastings, OK) Jefferson County, OK
Ringling, OK (Town of Ringling, OK) Jefferson County, OK
Division of West Johnston, OK - Johnston Johnston County, OK
Mill Creek, OK (Town of Mill Creek, OK) Johnston County, OK
Division of Ponca City, OK - Kay Kay County, OK
Ponca City, OK (City of Ponca City, OK) Kay County, OK
Division of Hennessey, OK - Kingfisher Kingfisher County, OK
Division of Kingfisher, OK - Kingfisher Kingfisher County, OK
Division of Okarche Cashion, OK - Kingfisher Kingfisher County, OK
Hennessey, OK (Town of Hennessey, OK) Kingfisher County, OK
Kingfisher, OK (City of Kingfisher, OK) Kingfisher County, OK
Division of Hobart, OK - Kiowa Kiowa County, OK
Division of Mountain View, OK - Kiowa Kiowa County, OK
Hobart, OK (City of Hobart, OK) Kiowa County, OK
Mountain View, OK (Town of Mountain View, OK) Kiowa County, OK
Division of Wilburton, OK - Latimer Latimer County, OK
Wilburton, OK (City of Wilburton, OK) Latimer County, OK
Division of Panama Bokoshe, OK - Le Flore Le Flore County, OK
Division of Spiro, OK - Le Flore Le Flore County, OK
Panama, OK (Town of Panama, OK) Le Flore County, OK
Spiro, OK (Town of Spiro, OK) Le Flore County, OK
Agra, OK (Town of Agra, OK) Lincoln County, OK
Division of Northwest Lincoln, OK - Lincoln Lincoln County, OK
Division of Prague, OK - Lincoln Lincoln County, OK
Division of Wellston, OK - Lincoln Lincoln County, OK
Prague, OK (City of Prague, OK) Lincoln County, OK
Warwick, OK (Town of Warwick, OK) Lincoln County, OK
Crescent, OK (City of Crescent, OK) Logan County, OK
Division of Crescent, OK - Logan Logan County, OK
Division of East Logan, OK - Logan Logan County, OK
Division of North Logan, OK - Logan Logan County, OK
Langston, OK (Town of Langston, OK) Logan County, OK
Orlando, OK - Logan, Payne (Town of Orlando, OK) Logan County, OK
Division of East Love, OK - Love Love County, OK
Marietta, OK (City of Marietta, OK) Love County, OK
Division of Fairview, OK - Major Major County, OK
Fairview, OK (City of Fairview, OK) Major County, OK
Division of North Marshall, OK - Marshall Marshall County, OK
Division of South Marshall, OK - Marshall Marshall County, OK
Kingston, OK (Town of Kingston, OK) Marshall County, OK
Madill, OK (City of Madill, OK) Marshall County, OK
Oakland, OK (Town of Oakland, OK) Marshall County, OK
Chouteau, OK (Town of Chouteau, OK) Mayes County, OK
Division of East Mayes, OK - Mayes Mayes County, OK
Division of Locust Grove, OK - Mayes Mayes County, OK
Division of Pryor Creek, OK - Mayes Mayes County, OK
Locust Grove, OK (Town of Locust Grove, OK) Mayes County, OK
Pensacola, OK (Town of Pensacola, OK) Mayes County, OK
Salina, OK (Town of Salina, OK) Mayes County, OK
Wickliffe, OK (CDP of Wickliffe, OK) Mayes County, OK
Blanchard, OK - McClain, Grady (City of Blanchard, OK) McClain County, OK
Division of Newcastle Blanchard, OK - McClain McClain County, OK
Division of Purcell, OK - McClain McClain County, OK
Washington, OK (Town of Washington, OK) McClain County, OK
Wayne, OK (Town of Wayne, OK) McClain County, OK
Broken Bow, OK (City of Broken Bow, OK) McCurtain County, OK
Division of Broken Bow, OK - McCurtain McCurtain County, OK
Division of Hanna, OK - McIntosh McIntosh County, OK
Hanna, OK (Town of Hanna, OK) McIntosh County, OK
Davis, OK - Murray, Garvin (City of Davis, OK) Murray County, OK
Division of East Murray, OK - Murray Murray County, OK
Division of West Murray, OK - Murray Murray County, OK
Sulphur, OK (City of Sulphur, OK) Murray County, OK
Division of Muskogee, OK - Muskogee Muskogee County, OK
Fort Gibson, OK – Muskogee, Cherokee (Town of Fort Gibson, OK) Muskogee County, OK
Muskogee, OK (City of Muskogee, OK) Muskogee County, OK
Taft, OK (Town of Taft, OK) Muskogee County, OK
Division of East Noble, OK - Noble Noble County, OK
Morrison, OK (Town of Morrison, OK) Noble County, OK
Delaware, OK (Town of Delaware, OK) Nowata County, OK
Division of Lenapah Delaware, OK - Nowata Nowata County, OK
Bethany, OK (City of Bethany, OK) Oklahoma County, OK
Choctaw, OK (City of Choctaw, OK) Oklahoma County, OK
Division of Oklahoma City Northeast, OK - Oklahoma Oklahoma County, OK
Division of Oklahoma City Northwest, OK - Oklahoma Oklahoma County, OK
Division of Oklahoma City Southeast, OK - Oklahoma Oklahoma County, OK
Division of Oklahoma City Southwest, OK - Oklahoma Oklahoma County, OK
Edmond, OK (City of Edmond, OK) Oklahoma County, OK
Forest Park, OK (Town of Forest Park, OK) Oklahoma County, OK
Jones, OK (Town of Jones, OK) Oklahoma County, OK
Oklahoma City, OK - Oklahoma, Canadian, Cleveland, Pottawatomie (City of Oklahoma City, OK) Oklahoma County, OK
Tinker Air Force Base, OK (City of Oklahoma City, OK) Oklahoma County, OK
Division of Beggs, OK - Okmulgee Okmulgee County, OK
Division of Okmulgee, OK - Okmulgee Okmulgee County, OK
Okmulgee, OK (City of Okmulgee, OK) Okmulgee County, OK
Winchester, OK (Town of Winchester, OK) Okmulgee County, OK
Barnsdall, OK (City of Barnsdall, OK) Osage County, OK
Division of Barnsdall, OK - Osage Osage County, OK
Division of Fairfax, OK - Osage Osage County, OK
Division of Pawhuska, OK - Osage Osage County, OK
Division of Southeast Osage, OK - Osage Osage County, OK
Fairfax, OK (Town of Fairfax, OK) Osage County, OK
Pawhuska, OK (City of Pawhuska, OK) Osage County, OK
Skiatook, OK - Osage, Tulsa (Town of Skiatook, OK) Osage County, OK
Division of Afton Fairland, OK - Ottawa Ottawa County, OK
Division of Miami, OK - Ottawa Ottawa County, OK
Fairland, OK (Town of Fairland, OK) Ottawa County, OK
Miami, OK (City of Miami, OK) Ottawa County, OK
Division of Cleveland, OK - Pawnee Pawnee County, OK
Division of Pawnee, OK - Pawnee Pawnee County, OK
Pawnee, OK (City of Pawnee, OK) Pawnee County, OK
Westport, OK (Town of Westport, OK) Pawnee County, OK
Division of Stillwater, OK - Payne Payne County, OK
Stillwater, OK (City of Stillwater, OK) Payne County, OK
Ashland, OK (Town of Ashland, OK) Pittsburg County, OK
Division of Kiowa Pittsburg, OK - Pittsburg Pittsburg County, OK
Division of McAlester, OK - Pittsburg Pittsburg County, OK
Division of Quinton, OK - Pittsburg Pittsburg County, OK
Krebs, OK (City of Krebs, OK) Pittsburg County, OK
McAlester, OK (City of McAlester, OK) Pittsburg County, OK
Quinton, OK (Town of Quinton, OK) Pittsburg County, OK
Ada, OK (City of Ada, OK) Pontotoc County, OK
Division of Ada, OK - Pontotoc Pontotoc County, OK
Division of Northeast Pontotoc, OK - Pontotoc Pontotoc County, OK
Division of Northwest Pontotoc, OK - Pontotoc Pontotoc County, OK
Division of South Central Pontotoc, OK - Pontotoc Pontotoc County, OK
Division of Southeast Pontotoc, OK - Pontotoc Pontotoc County, OK
Division of Southwest Pontotoc, OK - Pontotoc Pontotoc County, OK
Bethel Acres, OK (Town of Bethel Acres, OK) Pottawatomie County, OK
Division of Maud, OK - Pottawatomie Pottawatomie County, OK
Division of Shawnee, OK - Pottawatomie Pottawatomie County, OK
Saint Louis, OK (Town of Saint Louis, OK) Pottawatomie County, OK
Shawnee, OK (City of Shawnee, OK) Pottawatomie County, OK
Tecumseh, OK (City of Tecumseh, OK) Pottawatomie County, OK
Clayton, OK (Town of Clayton, OK) Pushmataha County, OK
Division of North Pushmataha, OK - Pushmataha Pushmataha County, OK
Cheyenne, OK (Town of Cheyenne, OK) Roger Mills County, OK
Division of Cheyenne, OK - Roger Mills Roger Mills County, OK
Catoosa, OK - Rogers, Wagoner (Town of Catoosa, OK) Rogers County, OK
Claremore, OK (City of Claremore, OK) Rogers County, OK
Division of Catoosa, OK - Rogers Rogers County, OK
Division of Claremore, OK - Rogers Rogers County, OK
Fair Oaks, OK - Rogers, Wagoner (Town of Fair Oaks, OK) Rogers County, OK
Valley Park, OK (Town of Valley Park, OK) Rogers County, OK
Cromwell, OK (Town of Cromwell, OK) Seminole County, OK
Division of Seminole North, OK - Seminole Seminole County, OK
Division of Wewoka, OK - Seminole Seminole County, OK
Seminole, OK (City of Seminole, OK) Seminole County, OK
Division of Roland, OK - Sequoyah Sequoyah County, OK
Division of Sallisaw North, OK - Sequoyah Sequoyah County, OK
Division of Sallisaw, OK - Sequoyah Sequoyah County, OK
Division of Vian, OK - Sequoyah Sequoyah County, OK
Liberty, OK - Sequoyah (CDP oif Liberty, OK) Sequoyah County, OK
Sallisaw, OK (City of Sallisaw, OK) Sequoyah County, OK
Sycamore, OK - Sequoyah (CDP of Sycamore, OK – Sequoyah) Sequoyah County, OK
Division of Duncan, OK - Stephens Stephens County, OK
Division of Marlow, OK - Stephens Stephens County, OK
Duncan, OK (City of Duncan, OK) Stephens County, OK
Adams, OK (Unincorporated) Texas County, OK
Division of Guymon, OK - Texas Texas County, OK
Division of Hooker, OK - Texas Texas County, OK
Guymon, OK (City of Guymon, OK) Texas County, OK
Tyrone, OK (Town of Tyrone, OK) Texas County, OK
Davidson, OK (Town of Davidson, OK) Tillman County, OK
Division of Davidson, OK - Tillman Tillman County, OK
Division of East Tillman, OK - Tillman Tillman county, OK
Grandfield, OK (City of Grandfield, OK) Tillman county, OK
Loveland, OK (Town of Loveland, OK) Tillman County, OK
Broken Arrow, OK - Tulsa, Wagoner (City of Broken Arrow, OK) Tulsa County, OK
Division of North Tulsa, OK - Tulsa Tulsa County, OK
Division of South Tulsa, OK - Tulsa Tulsa County, OK
Division of Tulsa, OK - Tulsa Tulsa County, OK
Glenpool, OK (City of Glenpool, OK) Tulsa County, OK
Jenks, OK (City of Jenks, OK) Tulsa County, OK
Liberty, OK - Tulsa, Okmulgee (Town of Liberty, OK) Tulsa County, OK
Owasso, OK - Tulsa, Rogers (City of Owasso, OK) Tulsa County, OK
Tulsa, OK - Tulsa, Osage, Rogers, Wagoner (City of Tulsa, OK) Tulsa County, OK
Coweta, OK (City of Coweta, OK) Wagoner County, OK
Division of Coweta, OK - Wagoner Wagoner County, OK
Division of South Wagoner, OK Wagoner County, OK
Division of Wagoner, OK - Wagoner ( Wagoner County, OK
Tullahassee, OK (Town of Tullahassee, OK) Wagoner County, OK
Wagoner, OK (City of Wagoner, OK) Wagoner County, OK
Bartlesville, OK - Washington, Osage (City of Bartlesville, OK) Washington County, OK
Division of Bartlesville, OK - Washington Washington County, OK
Division of Ochelata Ramona, OK - Bartlesville Washington County, OK
Cordell, OK (City of New Cordell, OK) Washita County, OK
Corn, OK (Town of Corn, OK) Washita County, OK
Division of Central Washita, OK - Washita Washita County, OK
Division of Northeast Washita, OK - Washita Washita County, OK
New Cordell, OK (City of New Cordell, OK) Washita County, OK
Division of West Woods, OK - Woods Woods County, OK
Freedom, OK (City of Freedom, OK) Woods County, OK
Division of Woodward, OK - Woodward Woodward County, OK
Sharon, OK (Town of Sharon, OK) Woodward County, OK
See all lists of US cities.
Citizen Came