National Government - Ivory Coast
Abidjan, CIV Abidjan BNETD - Bureau National d'Etudes Techniques et de Developpement
A few insights about visitors from all over the World.
Abidjan, CIV Abidjan BNETD - Bureau National d'Etudes Techniques et de Developpement
Labels: Africa, Ivory Coast, National, politics
Ivorian visitors came from 7 cities representing 5 of the Cote d'Ivoire's 19 regions* (as of EOH1 2012) :
Daloa, CIV Haut Sassandra Daloa
Dania, CIV Haut Sassandra Vavoua
Abidjan, CIV Lagunes Abidjan
Attecoube, CIV Lagunes Abidjan
Dimbokro, CIV N'zi-Comoe Dimbokro
Kong, CIV Savanes Ferkessedougou
Bouake, CIV Vallee du Bandama Bouake
See all lists of African cities.
Citizen Came
* Agneby, Bafing, Bas-Sassandra, Denguele, Dix-Huit Montagnes, Fromager, Haut-Sassandra, Lacs, Lagunes, Marahoue, Moyen-Cavally, Moyen-Comoe, N'zi-Comoe, Savanes, Sud-Bandama, Sud-Comoe, Vallee du Bandama, Worodougou, Zanzan.
Labels: Africa, city, Ivory Coast