about this excuse for a website
Citizen Came is the junkyard where I put some of the stuff I know about you.
Don't panic. This site is not a Big Brotherian utopia but part of my Borghesian approach to the web.
And the "junk" piling up in this yard (among other places) is not you but the things I write over the internet. I named that stuff "junk writing" because I need to write just like I need to eat, and I need to take a break from literature just like I enjoy "junk food" every now and then. And I don't do this anonymously, even if I know stupid things I write will haunt me decades from now.
Actually, uselessness is the very aim of the game : the exit points of my cheesy brain are the entry points to my personal portal, and you, Dear Visitor, are helping me draw the uqbarian map of my own vacuity / insanity.
Every day, hundreds of people visit my personal portal. Some do leave a message or a comment (please fell free to do so), but most of them just pass by and leave a virtual track (an IP address which sometimes tells a lot about the country of origin, the city, the URL... - check yours here : "what is my IP address ?").
Every now and then I pick up from the stats and this is the place where some utterly useless data ends up.
about me
. Positions : in front of my laptop (author) or in front of the offensive line (striker, #9)
. Locations : Paris, Seoul, NYC, Uqbar
. Fixations : life and death, politics, soccer
about my other sites
blogules (in English and in French - white blogule or red blogule depending on the mood)
mot-bile (careless, tireless, wireless blog)
Seoul Village (Korea and beyond)
footlog (le blog futchebol) with its sidekick footlog archives
La Ligue des Oublies (the other history of soccer, that may or may not get published)
stephanemot.com (an old playground, totally obsolete and saturated)
Little Shop Of Errors (err lines in French)
blogules archives (also in French)