International - Kosovo
Prishtina, KOS - Pristinski Okrug
* UNMIK Kosova - United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (
see other lists of international bodies worldwide.
A few insights about visitors from all over the World.
Prishtina, KOS - Pristinski Okrug
* UNMIK Kosova - United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (
see other lists of international bodies worldwide.
Labels: Europe, International, Kosovo, politics
Kosovar visitors came from 11 cities representing 4 of Kosovo's 7 districts* (as of EOH1 2013):
Djakovica, KOS (Gjakove, KOS / Gjakova, KOS) Dakovicki okrug Dakovica
Gnjilane, KOS (Gnjilan, KOS) Gnjilani Okrug Gnjilan
Hajravic, KOS Gnjilani Okrug Vitia
Vita, KOS (Vitina, KOS) Gnjilani Okrug Vitia
Kosovo Polje, KOS (Fushe Kosova, KOS) Pristinski Okrug Kosovo Polje
Dardania, KOS (Prishtina, KOS) Pristinski Okrug Prishtina
Prishtina, KOS (Pristina, KOS - Prishtine, KOS) Pristinski Okrug Prishtina
Dragas, KOS Prizrenski Okrug Dragas
Zym, KOS (Zjum, KOS) Prizrenski Okrug Dragas
Malisheve, KOS Prizrenski Okrug Malisheve
Suva Reka, KOS Prizrenski Okrug Suva Reka
See all lists of cities in Europe
Citizen Came
* Dakovicki okrug, Gnjilanski okrug, Kososkomitrovacki okrug, Pecki okrug, Pristinski okrug, Prizrenski okrug, Urosevacki okrug.
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